There are several ways to compile and upload code to a micro-controller. The first tests where written and compiled in the Arduino IDE\footnote{\href{}{}}. Because references and cross-platform developing was not easy with this approach, developing in this project will be done with the help of PlatformIO.
``PlatformIO is a must-have tool for professional embedded systems engineers who develop solutions on more than one specific platform. In addition, by having a decentralized architecture, PlatformIO offers both new and existing developers a quick integration path for developing commercial-ready products, and reduces the overall time-to-market. [...] The build system structure automatically tags software dependencies and applies them using a modular hierarchy that takes away the usual complexity and pain. Developers no longer have to manually find and assemble an environment of tool-chains, compilers, and library dependencies to develop applications for a specific target. With PlatformIO, clicking the compile button will bring in all necessary dependencies automatically.''
A dependency of PlatformIO is Python\footnote{\href{}{}}. To install the latest version of python, follow the installation instructions on their \href{}{website}.
PlatformIO can now simply installed by downloading a script called ``'' and executing it. On Apple MacOS\footnote{\href{}{}} it can simply be installed with the help of Homebrew Packages Manager\footnote{\href{}{}}.
It is integrated into Visual Studio Code (Section \ref{sec:vsc}) and can be used with the official Plugin\footnote{\href{}{}} (Abbildung \ref{fig:PlatformIO in VSC}).
The configuration can be initialized with PIO Home or directly written into a \verb|plaftormio.ini| file. Following configuration can be used for simultaneous \verb|esp8266| and \verb|ESP32| usage:
Developing and writing code for this project will be done in Visual Studio Code\footnote{\href{}{}}.
``Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C\#, Java, Python, PHP, Go) and runtimes (such as .NET and Unity).''